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Its all about attitude! Any chihuahua will tell you as much.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

The Bible and Elections

I was recently asked what the Bible says about elections. The answer is - not much. Elections or the casting of ballots to determine leadership is foreign to the Bible. In the few instances where leaders are chosen, it is most often by God. The people of God do not have a role chosing their own leaders. Certainly in the New Testament, which is written in a time entirely under Roman political rule, the concept of a democratically elected leader is not remotely considered. We do have instances where leaders are chosen or recommended in the New Testament. But even in the Book of Acts, when a "replacement Apostle" is chosen for the 12, it is a choice by God, not by an election.

So given this lack of a biblical basis for elections, what is the Bible believing Christian to do? My suggestion - vote your conscience and with good information on the issues. I think I would also go by the suggestion in Matthew 7:20 for determining if one is a "true prophet" or not - "you will know them by their fruits." Do the actions and results of a particular office holder or candidate produce good fruits (peace, mercy and justice) or do they produce the opposite. Of course, I think this holds true for any person across the board - are they producing good fruits or bad. This becomes a litmus test of sorts for any person or any issue, be it teaching, preaching or public office.


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