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Its all about attitude! Any chihuahua will tell you as much.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

After the dust and chads have settled...

In the aftermath of the election, what can one say? At the very least we are all relieved to have the rancor of political advertising and the annoying phone calls over - at least for a while. If the results are anything as predicted, we are "in a new political landscape" according to the pundits.

Or are we really?

Personally I find it hard to believe that much of the landscape will really change in Washington. There is too much at stake for either party or for the monied forces that pull most of the strings to make real lasting changes in the way funds are allocated, the environment is considered, or the way "justice" is carried out. At best we can hope for a stalemate between the two parties at level of Congress vs. the White House or something similar. Perhaps we will get out of Iraq sooner and perhaps we will see a few cosmetic changes.

I know this seems callous and cynical, but what can you expect from a child of Watergate, Abscam, and the Iran-Contra affair?


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